LOR clinic – diagnostics and treatment of ear, throat and nose diseases

LOR clinic is a modern health institution, the primary competence of which is diagnostics and treatment of ear, throat and nose diseases. We offer services for both children and adults.

The work experience of certified doctors and nurses gained from working in university hospitals, in combination with the latest diagnostic methods and advanced care. This guarantees qualified and professional diagnostics, as well as treatment of ear, throat and nose diseases.

We are a united and dedicated team that performs its job with passion. We create a friendly environment, provide high-quality services and have good relations with customers and suppliers.

The mission of LOR clinic: to provide an excellent health care experience, recognizing that our top priority is the patients in whose interests we are working

Our values


We are committed to ensuring high quality in order to achieve the optimal clinical outcome.


For the whole society, including patients, their families and colleagues.


To provide the best care when treating patients and family members with sensitivity and empathy.


We take responsibility for our actions, work openly and honestly for each other and the public.


Inspire and empower our team by encouraging creative ideas and discovering the unique talent of each employee.

Our Team


Inga Bite

Certified otorhinolaryngologist, provides diagnostics and treatment of acute and chronic ear, throat and nose diseases. Consults and treats both children and adults. Provides advice on the necessary preventive measures. Dr Bite has improved her professional knowledge both in Latvia and abroad, and has obtained certificates and gained experience corresponding to the qualifications.

Audio speech therapist

Evita Bugaja

An audio speech therapist, who acquired her knowledge at Riga Stradiņš University, consults and treats both children and adults. During her work with patients, the doctor will perform assessment, diagnosis, correction and rehabilitation of communication skills, speech and language, phonation and swallowing disorders, thus improving the patient's overall quality of life.


Ligita Kupica

An otolaryngologist specialising in diagnostics and treatment of acute and chronic ear, nose and throat diseases in both adults and children. He regularly speaks at conferences, as well as acquires new skills through courses and experience exchange events abroad. The doctor also practices at the Children's Clinical University Hospital and is a member of the Latvian Association of Otolaryngologists. The doctor consults, examines and performs otolaryngological surgeries for both adults and children.

Hearing acoustician

Dina Tanberga

Hearing acoustician consults children, as well as adults on the selection of technical solutions of Phonak and Unitron hearing aids and the daily use thereof. Performs the adaptation of technical aids to suit individual daily requirements and the sound environment, where customers are generally located. Provides recommendations for finding the most appropriate solution for the improvement of hearing.


Andrejs Lifšics

An otolaryngologist, who treats acute and chronic ear, nose and throat diseases in both adults and children. Specialises in diseases of the middle and inner ear and the treatment thereof. Performs surgical treatment of ear, throat and nose diseases. An otolaryngologist, who has acquired theoretical and practical skills at P. Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital, as well as in Austria, Kiev and Lithuania. Regularly updates his knowledge by attending various courses and seminars. The doctor consults, examines and performs ENT surgeries for both adults and children.


Kristīne Broka

An otolaryngologist, who diagnoses and treats acute and chronic diseases of the ears, throat and nose. Consults and treats both children and adults. Provides recommendations regarding the prevention of diseases. She considers middle ear disease and hearing problems to be the priorities of her work. The doctor consults, examines and performs otolaryngological surgeries for adults.


Ilze Dobele

An otolaryngologist, who will help in the event of all types of ear, neck and nose diseases in both adults and children. Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University, in 1999 obtained a certificate in otorhinolaryngology, in 2016 obtained a doctoral degree in medical sciences. In parallel with the practical work in her speciality, she is a lecturer at the Department of Surgery of Riga Stradiņš University on the study course of otorhinolaryngology.


Dace Kārkliņa

An allergologist, who will diagnose and treat allergic diseases in both adults and children. The doctor graduated from the Department of Paediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine of Riga Stradiņš University and continued to acquire knowledge in allergology. She regularly updates her knowledge by attending seminars, courses and congresses. Dr Kārkliņa is a member of the Latvian Association of Allergists, Latvian Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology Society and the Latvian Paediatric Association. At the same time, she also participates in the training of young physicians.


Eva Grūdupa

Diagnoses and treats acute and chronic ear, throat and nose diseases in both adults and children. He regularly speaks at conferences, as well as acquires new skills through courses and exchanges of experience abroad.


Kristaps Dambergs

An otolaryngologist specialising in diagnostics and treatment of acute and chronic ear, nose and throat diseases in both adults and children. He regularly speaks at conferences, as well as acquires new skills through courses and experience exchange events abroad. The doctor also practices at the Children's Clinical University Hospital and is a member of the Latvian Association of Otolaryngologists. The doctor consults, examines and performs otolaryngological surgeries for children.


Atis Legzdiņš

An otolaryngologist, member of the Latvian Association of Otolaryngologists. Practices as a physician since 2004. He received his education during studies at RSU, as well as accumulated experience in clinics abroad. The doctor specialises in otoneurology and functional disorders of the vestibular system. He practices at LOR clinic, as well as Gaiļezers clinic of Riga East Clinical University Hospital.


Askolds Akers

Dr Askolds Akers – certified, experienced and patient favoured otorhinolaryngologist. He provides diagnostics and treatment of all kinds of acute and chronic ear, throat and nose diseases. Consults and treats both children and adults. Provides advice on the necessary preventive measures. The doctor is practising at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital as well, and he is a member of the Latvian Association of Otorhinolaryngologists


Ilze Sokolova

Certified otorhinolaryngologist, provides diagnostics and treatment of acute and chronic ear, throat and nose diseases. Consults and treats both children and adults. Provides advice on the necessary preventive measures. Dr Sokolova has improved her professional knowledge both in Latvia and abroad, and has obtained certificates and gained experience corresponding to the qualifications.

Otolaryngologist and Board Member

Jānis Sokolovs

Certified otorhinolaryngologist, he will help you or your child regarding all kinds of ear, throat and nose diseases. The doctor is practising at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital and is a member of the Latvian Association of Otorhinolaryngologists. At the same time, Dr Sokolovs trains the new generation of doctors at the RSU. Dr Sokolovs has improved his professional knowledge abroad, and has obtained certificates and gained experience corresponding to the qualifications.


Marks Ronis

An otolaryngologist, who diagnoses and treats all types of ear, neck and nose diseases in both adults and children. Provides recommendations regarding required preventive measures, as well as performs diagnostic tests. The doctor also practices at P. Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital. The doctor consults, examines and performs ENT surgeries for both adults and children. He provides a wide range of consultations on ear, neck and nose diseases, as well as offers a wide range of ENT operations. Currently, he mostly focuses on laryngeal diseases and voice problems. Performs laryngeal surgeries, including the use of laser surgery techniques.

Clinic manager, otolaryngologist

Romēna Namniece


Anda Pūķe

Diagnosticē un ārstē akūtas un hroniskas ausu, kakla un deguna slimības. Konsultē un ārstē gan bērnus, gan pieaugušos. Sniedz rekomendācijas par nepieciešamo profilaksi. Papildinājusi profesionālās zināšanas gan Latvijā, gan ārvalstīs, iegūstot kvalifikācijai atbilstošus sertifikātus un pieredzi.

Daiga Lifšica

An otolaryngologist specialising in diagnostics and treatment of acute and chronic ear, nose and throat diseases in both adults and children.

Diāna Katoviča

Veic visa veida ausu, kakla un deguna saslimšanu diagnostiku un ārstēšanu gan pieaugušajiem, gan bērniem. Sniedz rekomendācijas par nepieciešamo profilaksi, kā arī veic diagnostiskus izmeklējumus

Dina Tanberga


Reinis Jansons

Veic visa veida ausu, kakla un deguna saslimšanu diagnostiku un ārstēšanu gan pieaugušajiem, gan bērniem. Sniedz rekomendācijas par nepieciešamo profilaksi, kā arī veic diagnostiskus izmeklējumus. Pacientu pieņem Brīvības gatves filiālē.